GA Safety Workshops

Our workshops are designed for general aviation (GA) pilots and consist of discussions with our expert team members. Our general aviation experts, Matt Lane and Nigel Willson, are joined by numerous other experts for helpful discussions on improving your flying skills. We also offer student drop-in clinics to answer any flying-related questions you may have.

Workshop Replays

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  • Winter Weather - Workshop Replay
  • Sky Watching: Clouds for Pilots
    • 12/14/22

    Sky Watching: Clouds for Pilots

    Simon is back! In this session we discuss various clouds, fronts and tools for interpreting the weather. We're also joined by MET technical officer, Joanna Aston and our resident instructor/examiner Matt Lane.

    You may notice we slipped up on question 4 in the quiz, the question on F214 and TAF/METAR cloud heights, a great example of human factors creeping in, 4 people checked the answer and no-one spotted it... the correct answer was not listed... and is in fact:

    F215 heights are in AMSL and heights shown in TAFs and METARs are above Aerodrome level

  • Weather Guide to Day Trip Planning
    • 6/22/22

    Weather Guide to Day Trip Planning

    Simon is back! Join our latest workshop where we catch up with him on how to go about planning the perfect day trip.

  • Weather Forecast Decision Making
    • 12/16/21

    Weather Forecast Decision Making

    Join Chris, Simon and Matt for a workshop on interpreting F214s and F215s, as well as weather considerations to make before you decide to go flying.

  • Inadvertent IMC
    • 10/18/21

    Inadvertent IMC

    Join Matt and Chris for a workshop on how to avoid inadvertently entering instrument meteorological conditions (IMC). This topic is definitely worth a refresher, regardless of experience.