About Astral Aviation Consulting

Unsplash - Inside the Cockpit of an Air Craft

Astral Aviation Consulting Ltd was founded in 2020 by Chris Kidd, an ex-RAF fighter pilot and ex-CAA regulator. Having been flying since he was 17, Chris is insanely passionate about all aspects of aviation and supporting the global aviation industry.

The company started by providing expert advice and support to UK General Aviation before expanding to support business and commercial aviation clients within the UK and internationally.

Our team consists of current and ex-military pilots, commercial and General Aviation (GA) pilots, examiners, and instructors with over 30,000 flying hours on various aircraft types.

We have a marketing, media, and comms team with extensive aviation experience, including running marketing campaigns for UK airshows, BBC broadcast experience, and extensive social media expertise, and 75% of them hold their own PPLs!