Workshop: Inadvertent IMC - 17 Nov 21 at 19:30 GMT

Join Matt and Chris for a Workshop on how to avoid inadvertently entering IMC. This is a topical subject that is definitely worth a refresher on regardless of experience.

Based on your feedback, you told us you'd like to see more tangible examples of how situations can manifest, as well as optional pre-reading. To that end, upon registration, we will send you an optional case study with a few questions to consider which will be discussed during the Workshop. Don't worry if you're too busy for the pre-reading, you'll still be able to take part.


Watch the replay


Optional pre-reading

Have a look at the following scenario:

You are based at Coventry airport. You need to take an aircraft to Gloucester for maintenance and it has to go today. After an uneventful arrival at the airfield earlier this morning, you conduct your pre-flight prep and planning and check the weather.

The TAF and METAR for Gloucester are:

EGBJ 081102Z 0812/0821 04008KT 9999 BKN016 BECMG 0812/0815 BKN012 PROB30 TEMPO 0815/0821 4000 -DZ BKN007=

11:50 METAR EGBJ 081150Z 05002KT 8000 FEW008 BKN014 02/01 Q1022=

The forecast weather below 10,00ft is as follows:

Questions to consider:

What do you think of the situation of the day, what threats are there in the weather?

What route would you take to fly an aircraft from Coventry to Gloucester?

What heights and MSA (Minimum Safe Altitude) would you use?

Would you undertake the trip? What considerations would you have?


Flight in Icing Conditions


Actions on Inadvertent Entry to IMC