Loss of Control: Wheel Spats
Preflight preparation helps us free up capacity in the air to deal with unexpected issues. One way to best prepare for your flight is to conduct a thorough preflight walkaround using a checklist. With so much to cover, do you sometimes wonder if you did it all correctly?
Your preparation should start before you head to the airfield. Using the IMSAFE Head-to-Toe Preflight Checklist is always a good place to start regarding how you (the pilot) feel and whether you should be flying today.
Using an aircraft-specific checklist, no matter how familiar you are with it, will ensure you have done all you can to prepare for a safe flight and any complications.
Remember, a walkaround is not only a means of checking items off a list. It’s time to inspect and examine your aircraft's systems. You want to ensure they are in proper working order and meet all regulatory requirements for the flight.
Recently, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has seen an uptick in incidents involving mud accumulation in wheel spats, leading to Loss of Control incidents on the ground. With this in mind, as part of your preflight walkaround, are you:
Inspecting your wheel spats before flying and after landing, ensuring they are clean of mud and debris.
Do you consider removing the spats when operating from a grass strip to avoid debris accumulation?
Do you check the runway condition? Is it suitable for takeoff? What about the braking action?
Whilst it may sound simple, checking these things could prevent any nasty (or costly) surprises at a critical stage of flight. It’s always wise to give yourself plenty of time to avoid rushing and potentially missing key warning signs.
So, by sticking to a checklist and being thorough in your inspections, you can be confident that you have done all the necessary preparation and planning to set you up for a safe flight.